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最小起订: 1
库存: 50 件
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发布时间: 2018-08-08 15:02
浏览次数: 255
手机号: 18820879368
电话: 0757-81162338
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uency welded pipe machine is a straight seam welded pipe machine, and other pipe machine is different from the place of its welding. uency welded pipe machine is the use ofuency resistance vortex is the pipe hot melt and condensation to produce pipe. uency welded pipe machine because of the welding speed, more and more people of all ages, such as oil pipe, natural gas and other large pipe are made usinguency welded pipe machine.

高频焊原理/High frequency welding principle:

高频焊就是高频率的电阻焊(英文Electric Resistance Welding),很多人也把电阻焊管成为ERW管。

uency welding is auency resistance welding (English Electric Resistance Welding), so many people also the electrical resistance welding pipe to ERW pipe. uency welding system generally consists of rectifier system, cooling system and control system. From the grid access to the low frequency 50HZ conventional power through the rectifier system after the IGBT system integration, the rapid increase to 400KHZ above, high frequency current added to the inductor coil (ie induction coil), the use of electromagnetic induction principle into high frequency magnetic field, and Role in the magnetic field in the metal pipe, because the eddy current effect is dispersed in the pipe around, so the need for a preset inside the tube magnet, affected by the magnet, the eddy current will be concentrated in the pipe gap, and then eddy current by skin effect Effect, the use of the principle of thermal effect of heat generated heat, so that the edge of the pipe melting zone hot melt, but also in the external force extrusion together to achieve welding.

  • 地址:佛山市南海区罗村街道沿江北路1号富弘广场
  • 电话:0757-81162338
  • 邮件:345291578@qq.com
  • 手机:18820879368
  • 传真:0757-81162338
  • 联系人:朱香安